Category: I’m Growing Hungry

It’s edible and goes in my face, usually my mouth.

Unlikely Pairing

My most unlikely paring, of food, would be dipping heated tortillas, filled with melted butter, into a bowl of cold applesauce.  I’ve done this forever so I’m assuming the “dish” was born from typical childhood boredom, at meal time. WordPress asked, and now you know!

My Cat is Part Goat and Cow

I say that because he loves, loves, loves to eat grass.  Letting him loose to graze, was no problem when we had our own yard. We knew no pesticides or fertilizer had been sprayed on the grass and didn’t worry about it making him sick.  OK, grass makes cats throw up, but I mean sick…

Super Sweet Blogger

This is THEE award for me!  I love sweets just about more than anything else in the world! I’d like to give an oooey gooey rich and chewy thank you to Tuttacronaca for the award!  The name of their blog “tuttacronaca” translates roughly into English as being “all Chronicle” or to Chronicle all news.  Well…

Still Hungry

Tonight, this is dinner.  And, if it tastes anything like the other Amy’s Natural and Organic Foods I’ve tried, I’m in for a real treat!  I think her spinach enchilada meal and canned tomato bisque soup are 2 of the tastiest things I’ve eaten in a long time.  Not to mention, they are actually good…


It rhymes with “pie.”  And, in some parts of the world, it is the word for tea.  Yep, I’m talking about Chai tea.  Now, while there are a gazillion videos on You Tube demonstrating the art of preparing Chai tea; and it is an art (or at least it is a process that requires patience…

Bon Appetit

Good Morning!  Looks like we have a visitor today.  Hope everyone else enjoyed their breakfast as much as this little guy seems to! x x Belly on up to the bar and serve yourself.  Today’s special offering includes a unique variety of seeds that come without the shell.  That’s right.  No need to expend excess…

Beet It

Almost two years ago, I decided I wanted to join the ranks of “The Juicers.”  You know, those health conscious, organic loving, trend setting folks who consume a portion of their daily allowance of fruits and vegetables in the form of home made juice. My eternally supportive family jumped on the bandwagon and, with the…